Storytelling Workshop
September 3, 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Storytelling Workshop #1 PLACE
Join Time’s Fool Company and Wethersfield Historical Society for the first of three free storytelling workshops. Time’s Fool Company is examining the idea of community. What brings us together, what divides us, and how we find common ground. Based on the work of the American School of Storytelling, join us for three evenings of story circles and workshopping in small groups.
All story workshops will occur at the Keeney Memorial Cultural Center Ballroom (200 Main Street, Wethersfield). You can register for as many workshops as you like; they are all stand-alone experiences. Registration is required as space is limited to allow everyone time to share. No experience necessary. Register here:
“How did you come to find yourself in Wethersfield and how has it kept its hold on you?”
More Storytelling Workshops to come…
Story Workshop #2 FAITH
October 1st, Tuesday 6PM-8PM, The opening question posed will be, “How or when have you encountered the supernatural or the other? How has that impacted what you believe in.”
Register here:
Story Workshop #3 CHANGE
November 12th, Tuesday 6PM-8PM, The opening question posed will be, “When have been wrong about something and changed your mind? How did that impact yourself, your work, or relationships with others?
Register here:
Wethersfield Historical Society
150 Main Street
Wethersfield, CT 06109