March Garden Seminar Series
March 14th, 6:30pm – 7:30pm. The Story of Seven Acres Farm
Join Wethersfield’s own Morgan Dodge for a conversation that may change your life. It did his. Morgan will discuss the merits and success of his raised bed dahlia, sunflower and zinnia cultivation. The presenation includes the raised bed design and construction, dahlia cultivation and storage, and seed selections. Learn how this passion changed his family’s life and led to the establishment of Seven Acres Farm.
The 2025 March Garden Seminar Series*
at Heirloom Market
263 Main Street Wethersfield.
*Brought to you at no charge with the generous support of our hosts, Julia and Spiro Koulouris of Heirloom Market, and the members of the Friends of the Kycia Farm, Inc. Thank you!
March Seminar Series Schedule:
March 7th 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Outdoor Seed Sowing Now!
You’ve seen the videos: learn about outdoor cold weather sowing! No grow lights, heat mats or indoor mess. Especially suitable for native perennials and cool weather annuals. Each participant will leave the demonstration with some of the necessary materials and written guides for immediate use. BONUS: a discussion of the benefits and use of a grow bucket system.
March 27th, 6:30pm – 7:30pm. The State of CT’s Birds
This seminar is in partnership with the Great Meadows Conservation Trust and features CT Audubon’s Executive Director Joyce Leiz. Details to follow.