GMCT Brisk Winter Walk
January 26th, 1:00pm. GMCT Brisk Winter Walk
Wethersfield (to Glastonbury). About 2 hours.
Meet at the Putnam Bridge trail parking area off Great Meadow Road. Take a long hike over the Putnam Bridge, down the ramp and turning left onto the Point Meadow farm road toward our Dickau, Beers, Baril and Bidwell parcels in Point Meadows. We’ll visit the late great state champion and national co-champion green ash tree (see photo at right).
Dress for the Weather and ground conditions, including mud or snow. Weather and water conditions may revise or cancel. These areas are used for hunting, so wear an orange vest if you have one. Call or text Jim Woodworth for the latest information, 860-808-9968.
See full Brisk Winter Walk Schedule here: